Thursday, December 6, 2018

When I was little 

Where Do You Belong?
I never forget the memories I had when I was a kid. The memories I remember from growing up was how my life was hard than the rest of the kids my age. My life was rough growing up no one would ever see me play with toys like other kids. I dream to be the kid that had the fun growing up, but I never had the chances to accomplish my dream.

I never knew who I was growing up. My parents never taught me what was the life outside my house. My life growing up in Costa Mesa was not an easy life I would go to school and go back home quickly because the streets were dangerous. I always stared outside my window, seeing kids my age playing with other kids but I never had the chances to play with others because it was to dangerous for me. I dreamed one day I could go outside without permission. The day never came and

My parents 
I never had the chances to play outside like other kids.

I graduated from six graded with no friends I moved into middle school being an individual.
I would see everybody belonging to a group, but I separated myself from groups because I was to scare I would not fit in. There were many clubs with many types of groups at my school campus. My parents were to scare for me to grow and find the wrong group that can ruin
first fishing stick
my life. When I told my parents I wanted to join a club, they got scared and did not let me. I did not enter the club, so I go off 7th grade year without having friends and not knowing who I was during my 7th grade year. I had to find a way to find my identity so I had to “modify my identity”( Rebecca Webber 3). I have got to 8th grade having a better mind set in what I want to accomplish. I started discovering myself by motivating myself to get out of the scare zone and go to the comfort zone. I went through the process in joining a fishing club that had a mixture of identity. I was surprised when I enjoyed the club because everyone had a group they belong too. I was the only kid that was separated from others because I did not know who I was. I started to talk to mix of different races in the club and I slowly started to talk to different groups. I did not know how to fish and I had never had a fishing stick because my parents could never afford it.

One of my friends that was in the group
I wanted to be in the club and belong to a group. I started to talk to group in the club and slowly found a group.  I found a group it creates a trust in between each other. A sense of belonging in a certain group gives security and comfort for each individual person. The way identity brings comfort and security seems to have an advantage because I had the chances to know who I was and where I belong. The discovery of individual identity help me have an understanding of myself and others. Identity gets created by the help of others trying to create a bonding with each other. It was a journey that lead me to discover my identity which will ultimately help me individually find my goal in life. My goal in life was for me to find a group which I accomplished and my other goal I set up with my group was to get my first fishing stick. My group and I started to do a fundraiser to get my fishing stick. The community was strong building aspect of social identity for me realizing I was not alone people wanted to help me get to my goal.
San Clement Island
The community help me raise money to buy my first fishing stick and got the chances to go to San Clement Island with my social group. I found my group and my identity I was not scare anymore to find the help. I never forget the memories when I found my identity until now I do not forget my first social group I was part of. There many people out there trying to find there social group. In finding a social group is not easy but once the social group is founded the identity is slowly founded as well. I want everyone to know time will come for any individual trying to find there identity.

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