When people feel out of place, some buy clothes, go on a binge watch, or eat. Some people might go to a place, looking for that feeling of the right comfort. The thing is sometimes, it’s not what you buy or what you do it’s how you feel and what makes you feel comfortable. In this case, changing your gender could make someone feel 100% comfortable. Changing genders is known as transgender and with changing genders it could come with the greater effect of taking those privileges from the opposite sex and vise versa. Many people feel that this change is what they need, but in reality when females transition to males, becoming apart of the male gender, they do not gain male privileges.
To be a man in this world means, there would be more of a protective instinct along with having more opportunities such as higher pay, authority, and being of a less target for a victim in a serious matter rather than a female. When females make the transition they believe that all male privileges and having authority is given right away. However, studies show this is not the case transgender men have problems with facing discrimination in the health system specially. Expressed in Health disparities impacting transgender men, “Greater risks for mental health challenges among trans adults are correlated with experiences of discrimination, enacted or felt stigma, and violence, as well as anticipated stigma, such as delaying health-care treatment due to fear of discrimination, transgender non inclusive healthcare and delaying care because of fear: Connections to general health and mental health among transgender adults,”(Seelman 510). This explains how transgender men are afraid to get their health in order because of discrimination. The whole point of making the transition of female to male is to be less mindful of what people think, due to the masculinity men carry. With this being said, it is also stated, “Health problems can occur in part due to discrimination occurring within sex-segregated spaces, such as restrooms, locker rooms, jails or prisons, and homeless shelters as well as attempting to avoid using public restrooms altogether, trying to avoid using public restrooms for long periods of time can lead to health issues such as urinary tract infections or dehydration,” (Seelman 515). This is a disparity for males health, because the more males are afraid to check their health due to discrimination rather than living like the man they are.
There is not a set time for someone to transform into the person that they are meant to be. At any age, someone could feel like making the change, in this case it’s female to males. Vaughn, states, “these students were three times more likely to miss school, have lower levels of self-esteem, experience higher levels of depression, and felt excluded from school activities,”(Vaughn 1). This is from the fact cisgender make it hard for transgender students, to be able to express who they are meant to be. This is also supporting the quote that cisgender students make it hard for transgender males in particular messing around with their mental health. Transgender students made the changed to fit who they are, but that does not mean they are accepted as disclosed, “As transgender adolescents are enduring bullying and harassment at school, they may feel unable to ask for help for fear of revealing their identity,” (Vaughn 48). Due to not being able to ask for help, transgenders find it hard to get move up in schools with their educational needs.
Making the transition from female to male is not all as it seems. Transgender males are not respected in the workforce, unlike born men. In the workplace it is revealed, “When coworkers and employers learn about the trans-identities of transmen, they tend to either marginalize transmen or protect them. Through marginalization, employers and coworkers police the behavior and appearance of transmen by forcing them to work as women or forcing them out altogether,” (Tesene 1). This is portrayed that transgender men are not in the clear and have to worry about how the work will treat them, when they find out they’re trans, unlike men where they are welcomed and not talked about because of their gender. Another reason, transmen are looked at differently is “Because transmen have lived both as social women and social men, often within the same work environment, their experiences shed light on how men and women are treated differently (and unequally) at work, even where the individual has the same education, skills, and personality before and after transition,” (Tesene 1). This supports how transmen are being discriminated because their co-workers look at them for who they were and not as they are. At a workplace, employees treat other employees like they’re less because of how they identify themselves, after a transformation and not for who they really feel comfortable being.
To concluded, the transition of females to males is true when stated, the transgender men do not have the same the privilege as born men. It is sought that men do not have the same respect for transgender men, making their life harder than it needs to be with discrimination, doubts, and making them feel out of place. Transgender men are transformed to men in the first place, to be comfortable within themselves, and figuring out who they are meant to be. In today’s society, trans men are not welcome in certain places because how they identify, but cisgender men are. With discrimination not only in public but in places of “comfort” such as work, doctors, and stores, it is clear that transgender men have greater issues than cisgender men to face. The privilege that’s given to men, is not given to transgender men, no matter how hard a one could work for it.
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