In today’s society we see a lot of wanting to please others in the way we look. Having to meet the starndards of being perfect. There is an image of how both men and women alike have to meet expectations that are unrealistic.
The way to look “ perfect” in our society for a woman is to be slim, big butt and breast, tan skin , and tall. As for a man is to be tall, muscular, and white. Though majority of these we are unable to control. So why does society want us to be something that can never be reached. That is an unknown answer.
When we look in the mirror, we tend to usually see our flaws. Though as a matter of fact they are not flaws. It’s just what society tends to feed us everyday what is “wrong”. In the end it all becomes a identity issue. We cloud our self to think we are not perfect because of what we see in social media.
In the media we tend to see these perfect people. Celebrities and public figures are the ones people tend to look up to. Though with the media no matter how perfect a person can look something has to change. Photoshop is always being used to perfect flaws. Though even if people have found a way to look the way they do it tends to not be enough. Something still has to change to try and be perfect.
This in the end can become an identity crisis. People can take their whole life to make sure they can still stay young and flawless. Trying to look as young as possible, staying in perfect health, and trying to not seem older. Though in the end what would be the purpose of doing all of it. Beauty is not the only thing in life. But getting to a point where you have to be perfect all the time is not okay.
There are time where society tells us we are perfect the way we are and we should always love ourselves. So if this is true what is the purpose of still having expectations. If society tells we are perfect just the way we are yet we are still flawed what does it mean. It adds up for all of this to be unrealistic.
People tend to look for natural beauty. Though not many understand what this could truly mean. It should be your own definition of how u see yourself and not care for what our think. Building ur own identity is what truly builds our beauty. It doesn’t that just for the way someone sees you that’s who you are. But even if you do look different no should be categorized as not perfect. Because even when you look in mirror what looks back at you does not matter. Perfect can never be accomplished but being yourself will always be more important.
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