Friday, December 7, 2018

How school uniforms take away from culture identity ?

In society, the reader tends to think that school uniforms are just part of the school system, but what about our rights to freedom of speech and religion. The school system  is indirectly telling students that they can’t practice their culture through wearing traditional clothing therefore students are not able to express themselves. In this case culture is  important for students to learn and express their religious beliefs and practices that they might have,And if they can’t practice it on a day to day basis,they may lose that sense of culture for the next generation.In society school uniforms take away from culture identity by having everybody look the same creating a search for identity,but in reality the only thing school uniforms are taking away from students is victimization.
One idea that the government believes is that they have not violated freedom of speech and religion by creating an environment where is safe. By lowering the rate of violence and gang related activities. Being that students  will be looking the same. Resulting in students not being social with one another. Limiting the path and engagement of identity for people of color as stated in the article Uniforms in public schools and the first amendment:A constitutional analysis “decreasing gang activity and fighting...restricts, youth engagement in normal developmental task of identity experimentation”(Mitchell & Knechtle 2). According to the article in order for the amendment to be violated it the government must look at the “type of speech, type of restriction,O’Bryan analysis and the surrounding context”( Mitchell & Knechtle 2).That there is only a violation if it’s a hate crime because to the government that is violence and since uniforms take away the violence they believe it’s not a violation.And the government has to want to look at the claim.
  Secondly, in the article Effects of students uniforms on attendance,behavior problems,substance use, and academic achievement by Brunsma and Rockquemore state that school uniforms only help with lowering student violence and Being looked upon as different. In easing the safety by being  able to see know the difference between the students and someone’s who’s not from the school. Uniform also helps with the oppressed by making them look as one by dressing alike. Having the people of color seem like they have money to be buying uniforms.
Creating a problem of victimization in a good and bad way  for students of color as stated in the article Attitudes of youth of color on students dress and uniforms by Velma Lapoint  because in the whole idea of creating a safe place for students with no gang related activity ,making students look professional. And increase in students attendance and academic up to 10 grade and not seeing no effect after.  .Being that they are being stereotyped by the way they dress in terms of baggy khaki pants to fit weapons making students of color victimized by the school itself as well as law “students may feel stereotyped and victimized by the perception and actions of school and law enforcement officials”(Velma 2). Showing the reader that the government rather see students the same.Instead of being to learn one's culture. Making the problem  in schools worse because no one student is the same.
Students not only having the problem to be who they are not now they have worry financially because school clothes can be expensive. Making the students identity harder because now the student is going to school having to think that they are not financially stable. Showing the reader that this student self esteem is even lower. All because the whole idea of uniforms is to improve in attendance, attitude,academics,etc.And to decrease in violence,gang related activities, and victimization. Let alone people of color are already being oppressed by yet still stereotyped.
Not being able share Cultural community wealth is taking everything people of color have. Community cultural wealth being are language,resistance,navigation,aspirations,and familial. It’s what shows the reader that community cultural wealth is what makes students and family not  care about being looked down upon. It’s what makes a culture stronger. Being education is already important. A way to show the oppressed can be like the oppressors.Now being taken away by uniform because it make students look as one. When the whole idea was to show different cultures and traditions. In school students still create their own groups of their own culture. And speak their own language with one another. Making a school diverted but separated. Making schools segregated because students may talk to certain people in class,but when it comes to lunch students go to their groups. Students end up going with people either with same culture or same situation of being a person of color.Making the idea of uniforms neutral in some cases.
In conclusion, school uniforms is not being  violated because uniforms are not looked upon as a threat or a hate crime. The school system sees it has a way of school pride. A way for students to look as one successful school community. And takes away any type of violence as well as murder. And it helps students have something to wear everyday on day to day basis.

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